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Our expert trainers offer individualized as well as group behavioral classes aimed at preventing and correcting many common obedience and behavioral problems. Classes include Puppy Kindergarten and Basic Pet Manners led by Brooklyn Pup Dog training. 


In this course we give week to week support and expert advice on various puppy issues such as house training, nipping, leash walking, and anything elses that comes up at home and owners need help with. We follow that with some training foundation to help develop effective and fluent communication between you and your puppy and then let the pups play off leash and socialize with each other, while we the owners learn what appropriate play is, and how to interrupt inappropriate play.

The course is 4 sessions long at $200 for the full course.


In this course you and your dog will learn the basics of pet manners including focus, sit, down, stay, leave it, heel and come. Making learning a fun and positive experience, training will help build your dog’s confidence and strengthen your bond. We will also work on how to incorporate these cues in our day to day life with our dog and improve their overall behavior with these training techniques.

Please visit for more information or to register for classes.

The course is 6 sessions long at $300 for the full course. 

At Kiki’s our goal is to be your full pet care services provider. If there is any other way we can accomplish this besides what’s already outlined in our website please do not hesitate to let us know!